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Niche Blogs

Top Stamp Collecting Blogs and Websites in 2024

Stamp collecting, also more properly known as philately, is a hobby that has been enjoyed by many people for generations. Whether you are an avid collector or just getting started, there are a plethora of blogs and websites out there that cater to stamp collecting enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore some of the best philately blogs and websites to help you stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in the stamp collecting world.

All About Stamps

All About Stamps from the UK is a comprehensive website dedicated to stamp collecting. This site covers a wide range of topics, including stamp collecting news, history, and tips for collectors. All About Stamps also features the latest stamp auction news, making it a great resource for anyone looking to buy or sell stamps.

The American Philatelist Magazine

The American Philatelist is the official publication of the American Philatelic Society, the largest organization of stamp collectors in the world. This publication features in-depth articles on specific stamps and collections, making it a great resource for serious collectors.

Canadian Stamp News

Canadian Stamp News is a leading source of information on stamp collecting in Canada. The magazine was formed in 1976 with the split of Coin, Stamp, Antique News into separate magazines. Ever since, CSN is an advocate for stamp collectors, providing information on new and old issues, commentary, investment tips, and Canada’s most up-to-date listings of Canadian coin and paper money prices. The magazine covers major philatelic events in Canada, including new issues, sales, shows, exhibits, and discoveries.

Find Your Stamps Value

FindYourStamps Value.com is a website launched in 2001 with a mission to provide information on the cost of stamps accessible to everyone, including non-philatelists, and to be more convenient than traditional catalogs for professional collectors. The website features a helpful terms and glossary section, a StampWiki section with interesting stamp facts, and a stamp search that uses computer vision and neural networks technology. It also contains information about stamps from major countries and is constantly updated. They aim to make stamp search faster and more convenient and helps users figure out if they possess a rare stamp.

Paul Fraser Collectibles: Postage Stamps

Paul Fraser, a dealer of high-end collectibles in the UK, boats the world’s largest private stockholding of collectibles. They specialize in dealing with fully authenticated rare manuscripts, autographs, postage stamps, space memorabilia, and other valuable items. The website features a blog covering various aspects of high-end collectibles, with regular posts on postage stamps.

The Philatelic Database

The Philatelic Database is a comprehensive resource for stamp collectors, providing a wealth of information on stamps, postmarks, and postal history. The website also features an extensive database of stamp collections. With its wealth of information and resources, The Philatelic Database is a must-visit for any serious philatelist.

The Stamp Community Forum

Stamp Community is a forum-based website dedicated to stamp collecting. With its active community of members, Stamp Community is a great resource for anyone looking to connect with other stamp collectors and share their knowledge and expertise.

Here are a few other stamp collecting blogs worth honorable mentions:

The websites and blogs listed above are just a few of the many great resources available to philatelists. With this constant stream of stamp collecting knowledge available, you can build your own comprehensive stamp collection that is sure to bring you joy for years to come.

As always, if you have a blog suggestion or any feedback about other niches you’d like Obscure Curiosities to explore, email us at info@obscurecuriosities.com!

Amelia Desertsong is a former content marketing specialist turned essayist and creative nonfiction author. She writes articles on many niche hobbies and obscure curiosities, pretty much whatever tickles her fancy. Personal Website: https://www.thephoenixdesertsong.com